Wednesday, September 1, 2010

101 in 1001

I decided that I wanted to start a new blog for my 101 goals in 1001 days. I've been on Livejournal since I was 15 years old, and since this whole list is to begin a new chapter in my life, I decided that it required a new blog and new site as well. 

A little bit about me before I get to the list: My name is Jenni and I'm 23 years old. I am a recent college grad, I got my Bachelor's in Psychology and Sociology with a minor in Anthropology. I really enjoy learning and classroom settings, so because of that, I am going to be applying to grad school for Fall 2011. I wasn't supposed to be taking time off, but some shit went down in my life and it just kinda ended up happening. I'm not exactly glad for it, but I'm not exactly turned off by it either. It's just one of those things you can't predict in life but... here I am. 

In this little time off I have had though, from school and from uber structure I have learned that I have lived my life inside a box. I have always played by the rules, I didn't have a "real" college experience because I focused all my efforts on school work, which was a good investment... but I didn't learn anything about life, just books. So the whole point of this list is to force me out of my box and experience life and things I wouldn't normally do.

Another reason for this revelation is him:

This is Christopher James Stahelin. He is the love of my life and soul mate, as well as being my polar opposite. He is beautiful, artistic, brilliant, and most of all, he is free. While I am all schedules, organization, and plans... he isn't. I am a total Type A personality and he is a Type B. He is perfect for me because he brings me balance. He also helps me to remember to take a step back every once in a while and appreciate life for what it is, not just what I make it. He was a huge inspiration for this list as well.

What I am hoping to get out of this list is some experience. The thing that worries me the most is that... when I have grandkids I won't have any stories to tell because I went to school, had a career, kids, and that's all. I want to have a life to talk about, not just a regurgitation of what should be done. So that is what this list is for. 

So my 101 goals in 1001 days starts today, September 1st, 2010 and ends May 30th 2013. So here it is:

1. Get a Passport
2. Get Accepted to Graduate School
3. Pay off Debt
4. Read 100 books
5. Finish my "novella"
6. Go to New York City
7. Go to Disneyland with Chris
8. Go to Harry Potter theme park
9. Do a wine tasting
10. Eat at a 5-star restaurant
11. Successfully move Chris in with me
12. Surprise Chris with flowers
13. Go to Mexico
14. Go to Canada
15. Go to Ireland
16. Go to Oktoberfest
17. Lose 32 inches
18. Get eating and health on track
19. Exercise at lease 3x a week, 1 hour a day
20. Watch 5 documentaries
21. Take a train somewhere
22. Initiate sex 3x a week
23. Give a blowjob 2x a week
24. Get Bourdoir style pictures taken
25. Quit biting nails
26. Get a massage
27. Always have toes painted
28. Get a piercing
29. Get a tattoo
30. Move somewhere exciting and out of my comfort zone
31. Change someone's life
32. Make someone's life better
33. Save money
34. Complete a photo of the day
35. Swim in the Ocean
36. Go camping
37. Kiss in the rain
38. Kiss on a ferris wheel
39. Go on a roadtrip
40. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
41. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
42. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
43. Ride in a hot air balloon
44. Get married
45. Make sure Chris knows I appreciate him everyday
46. Make sure my mom knows I appreciate her everyday
47. Carve my name in a tree
48. Run a marathon
49. Learn a different language to a conversational level
50. Bake someone a birthday cake
51. Find what I feel is missing
52. Be a camp counselor
53. Volunteer Overseas
54. Go to India
55. Go to London
56. Go to Paris
57. Go to Rome
58. Go to Athens
59. Go to a concert
60. Graduate from a Master's Program
61. Keep in better contact with my brother
62. Buy Chris a banjo
63. Help build a house with Habitat for Humanity
64. Go to Egypt
65. Take my birth right
66. Buy my mommy flowers
67. Buy Tim (step-dad) flowers
68. Get a Brazilian bikini wax
69. Go on a cruise
70. See 10 classic movies I've never seen
71. See a drive-in movie
72. Go barefoot for a day
73. Go vegetarian for a month
74. Complete 30 days of writing
75. Grow my hair back out
76. Keep a food and exercise journal
77. Stay at the shelter until at least January 2011.
78. Visit a winery
79. Host a murder mystery party
80. Buy a piece of art
81. Build a sandcastle
82. Take an art class
83. Buy a Polaroid camera
84. Plant a tree for Arbor Day
85. Spend a whole day in bed (not sick)
86. Take Swing Dancing lessons
87. Take Ballroom Dancing lessons
88. Take Salsa Lessons
89. Travel to Seattle
90. Bake cookies from scratch
91. Go Bowling
92. Turn off phone for a week
93. Start an herb garden
94. Attend a Slam Poetry
95. See an Opera
96. See a Broadway Musical
97. Go white water rafting
98. Get glasses
99. Go braless for a week
100. Complete couch to 5k
101. Watch an Anime with Chris

So there it is. Every time I complete a goal I will post about it and then repost the list and bold the completed goal.

Wish me luck!